Thursday, May 29, 2008

To fish or not to fish that is the question

Ever wonder what they do to the old subway cars?  Well here is the surprising truth.  Off the coast of Delaware there lies a grave yard of out of commission subway cars!  NYC has in fact been dumping Red Birds. (A type of Subway Cars) But wait the dumping is helping the environment!  How?  Well the cars have actually created a natural/man made reef, creating a lush oasis for many north American fish and sea weed!  But for every happy story over fishing is becoming a huge problem!  many people like the Zodiac Girls think this is a very bad Idea for the problems of over fishing!  So know the state is looking to forbidden commercial fishermen from fishing there, only regular fishers will be allowed.  Also very strangely people are stealing fishing Traps! (Is this the work of some cult to stop fishing or some kind of monster?  Where looking into the case.) But any way we are also to the point that everyone wants to do it!  So much that the cars are getting harder and harder to get!  For know NJ and many more are trying to do the same!  Know the fish city is becoming more and more crowded and I myself and many more are worried if the fish will leave or that the littering of ocean floor will increase!  for know the curios people we are, are trying and experimenting with toaster fridges washing machines etc to see if the fish will like it.  I say that they should just leave Red Bird Reef alone!  Don't build more!  Banned fishing!  This can only help us or destroy us!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Hey look!!!!!!!!  It's me kiki!  Okay this is me after May got hold of me!  I didn't look this good!!!!!!!  But any way I'm still trying to get video!   So sorry about the wait, and I'm still getting used to every thing so stick with me!

Cool Christiphore Saves the Day 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THE GREATEST HOME MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  COOL CHRISTOPHERE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I MEAN 3!!!!!!  But still the producer Em is one of A.C.Ebele's friends and the star is Em's litle brother!!!  It's awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


WOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!  May and Em nearly killed me when I forgot to introduce them!  So may is our master of disguise, Em is one of my BFF and is our London agent


Welcome To the first ever Zodiac Girls OFFICIAL BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!  What are we exactly?  Well we are a mixture of Irregular Bond Rider etc.  If you don't know then there all spies.  But in case you are wondering we are more of a 2.0 to all of those problems!  Who else lives in NYC fights member of the mob Mafia, travels all over the world, awesome gadgets, solve mysteries, still keeping up with school, can speak three languages, black belt, super smart.  Lastly in my opinion can still look good even though people try to kill us!  Well any way my friends the Zodiac Girls are going to show the tips of the triad, we are; Luz Lopez (Leader, not her real name, long storey) Tayuan Wong (EVIL GENIUS!!!!!!!!!)  Lola Shaw (Technology inventor, my BFF!)  Topaz Raine (Chemist, biggest spaz ever!!!, But hey she's our spaz!)  and you res truly Kiki Lang! (Hacker, Kiki is my middle name!  Hey any thing is better then Capricorn!)  Also thanks A.C.Eberle for helping us get heard!  

P.S  Sorry for spelling!!!  for a evil genius you think I would be good at spelling!!