Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry x las sorry no post, cause I'm tired and writing on very tiny key board

Monday, December 1, 2008

the poster who robbed the bank

Kiki here!  So sorry for our rather long absence..... we where ummmm busy.  So we have to do current in events in school, yuck!  But you get some interesting facts!  Like the foot ball dude (I don't like foot ball!  So I wouldn't know his name)  who shot him self in the leg!  Or the poor man who was trampled to death during a sale on Friday.  (There goes my dream of being a sales clerk!)but the most interesting one that was read in my class was this.

A bank (Some where, sorry I spaced at that part:() alarm went off during the night, when police came they say a figure standing in there.  They told local home owners to leave, closed roads.  They called for the man to come out, but he didn't.  So what do they do?  they call the swat team!  They broke into the bank.  Only to find that the figure was a life sized cut out!  Who put it there?  Who tripped the alarm?  And just how angry where those men to find out of the false alarm?  If I made the call I would run away from the men caring big guns Shields and body armour!

Well that is all for the night!  If you have any info about this then contact me in the comments!   

Monday, October 6, 2008


Now to just clear up a few loose ends I did put up Comment Moderation. But technology hates me!  maybe if May or some one else did it it would have worked............And please people, we have one or two Young readers here and there!  

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A qiucky

Hey Luz here and saying how much I just say hooooooooooowwwwwwwww much that I hate school.  Yuck!  All the homework!  Oh the horrors!  Any way I have to do this quickly.  Here is a way if you are afraid of small counter fit bills.  Any way i think this will work with American currency.  (Sorry, I'll try it on my pound notes from England)  Folded the bill in half, with the part where the security strip should be the part folded up.  Then take maybe two or three magnets, you know the small round plain ones.  Connect them all together and move it around the the top half of bill.  If the top half moves towards it then it is real.  Though any sane person, would just hold it up to the light and try to find the strip.  Any way toodles!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Okay so I only have a few minuetes on hear for the knew season of smallville and yah it was rushed and yah it has terrible spelling any way. I just wanted to say we are sorry! School and for the last few weeks of summer we where at a ranch with out internet! Yah i know gasp! well more to come! You're totaly funny friend Topaz! (And this is one of my first posts here.)

Friday, August 1, 2008


Okay so I was on my internet providers home page, and I stumbled upon an article, about a supposed snipper who killed three teens and one wounded. (our deep regreats to there families) The killer was found after a wild man hunt.  What I may ask is why?  Why these kids, why the camo, and why just giving up and not talking?  Call me crazy but I have a bad feeling about this.  Check out the article here

Friday, July 25, 2008

To complete the random of this week

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
I really should put this on the side bar...

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
This one is sooooooo Tayaun Trust me when she doesn't have coffee in her she is your normal Zg

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
If you ever saw the goonies........

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
I'm addicted to star track so yah........

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
Really just say NO!!!!

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
Black Rider this one is for you!

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
all except when I'm writing :)

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
It does seem that way doesn't it?

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
really NO WAY! tehee*

So sorry for not having any good like posts.  It's been well slow here.  Maybe tomorrow

Monday, July 21, 2008

One random thing

Okay this just proves it...... We are all clinically insane

85%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


topaz here and like I love to make things explode!  So I'm going to share my genius!!!!  MUWHAHAHAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAHAHAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       So I'm gonna tell you how to make a Torpedo, (NOTE THIS WILL ONLY WORK IN A LARGE BODY OF WATER!!!!!) 

What you need water proof duct tape scissors Three large scuba tanks a wrench.

  1. Stake the scuba tanks in a pyramid
  2. Tape
  3. aim at target, make shure that the bomb is on a good hard surface about a foot from
water and is leading directly into the water.

4.  Use the wrench to puncture (What I mean is kill the valve so it falls of)  the realising air will shoot it forward.  Never use this for fun it can and will be dagourus!

Friday, July 11, 2008

How to;

Jump from a car;

             Open the door and fling you're self out of the car in the opisite direction.  Keep you're legs straight arms crossed and when you hit the road then or ground roll!  Easy!
to survive a train crash when in the bathroom;
     Sit on the floor with your back to the engine, bend your knees, and clasp your hands behind your neck.
determine when to bribe a third world policeman;
     an officer does not cuff you or write you a ticket, but expresses a desire to resolve the problem on the spot.
win a sword fight
      make a steady, quick blows up and down and left and right with the sword
eat tree bark
      the light colored layer of the of the inner bark can be eaten raw or cooked.
eat a lizard
       skin the lizard and remove the guts, cook the meat, and eat it when the surface bubbles cracks.

Thank you my peeps!  There will be more posts like this in a while.  And the lizard I wouldn't make it for it is wretched!  :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


A.C.E here and I must say that I'm deeply disaponted that one or two or what ever has been posting some rude stuff!  it has gotten to a point where Kiki and my self had to stop posting on a blog..... I know it is fine to state opions but if it is rude or hurt full then don't say it!  I would realy hate to stop this blog to..... And the same goes for Black Riders blog, who is I'm suprised with her thought to the blog (Trust me she loves that blog!) that she didn't track the person down and hog time it down. (sorry to say it but we don't know if this person is male or female or even human!)


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

you asked for it!

Well you asked for it!  We have A.C.E (Due to security reasons we will use her initials)  Here and she is answering you're questions!  So I'll give her the key board to Begin!

Hey guys! A.C.E here!  So here are the questions that you asked! 

Where do ya live?
     I live in north north America in new jersey

Have you ever snuck out in the middle of the night?
     It is very dark here where I live and we have police cruisers that patrol so not right now

it says you're writing down ZG's stories into a book or something........ Are you gonna try to get them published?  If so when?
     Yes I'm writing down there adventures.  And yes I'm trying to get them published, but those are not going to be My main consent yet at least..... So i do not when They are getting published.  So if any one news any publishers then tell me?

Random Irregular:
Have you ever ridden you're bike outside in two in the morning, only to find that you're being Followed?  What did you do?
     See above;  but I have been followed before and I used the turn take cellphone FAKE call and double track and hide, easy.

have you ever forged a signature?
     Yes my friends just to see If I could do it

Where do you live?
   See above
What is your Fave book?
   Let's see hear I'ved narrowed it down to.... Eragon, Wildwood dancing and of coures Kiki Strike!
When did you meet ZG?
     I met them on a trip to NYC
That's all thanks:)

I like pie!  Do u?  I shore hope so!
    Okay........ Yes like pie!

Okay do you play an instrument?
   Yes Guitar and Violin

A.C.Eberle do you like Cheese?

Sniffer doodle:
Sweet!  So like if you where to reveal something what would it be?
    I'm a very en centric person (i don't think that's a word)

What is the strangest combination of food you eat together?
        Again with the food!  Well I like to eat Sweet potatoes with BBQ Pulled Pork

Thanks for your comments! And questions guys! Hope to see you in the future! 

you asked for it!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


A.C.Eberle is coming in three days so leave what you want to ask in the comment board!

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Vacation is over...............

Okay so we came back today from our !!!!!!!!!BORRY!!!!!! adventure to the Atlantic/Caribbean sea/ocean thing........................... Nothing really exciting happened.................. Though it made our day watching Kiki wipe out on the water ski's that she rented................and it was also a little funny when Topaz was trying to sneak a whale bone that we found on the beach, through security.  to bad it was soooooooooooooooooooooo flippen awesome!   But it is late and more will come tomorrow...................... and like the new digs?!?! :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Okay I just can't like wait!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay soooo May here and this is like one of my first posts here!  Well we have been to our Vacation spot a few days know and that IS!!!!!  A real Picture! Kiki's Dad took it on a side trip to Hatti (WE ARE NOT THERE!)  But I'm like REALLY TIRED!!!!!  Jet lag...... Just came back from Paris and I'm still a Little loopy!  SO PEACE!!!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

44% Geek

Created by OnePlusYou

Okay I was bored here on the beach so I took this you can see I may be a total geek but to them I'm not that geeky..........OH well........Back to uglies which is very good!.........But well I guess the other 56% is spazzyness 40% and evil genius 16%

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Should the Divinces Code be banned?

Hello Kiki here and as you may know I love to read so when I heard that the Preguel to the book Divinces code may be bannend. Well lets just say that I freaked out a litle! Why you may ask....well the book as people think is not true to the bible. Well I never went against the bible do they know every thing that happend in the book may be true!
What is the book about you may ask well it is about a dude that gets murderd and it blamend on anothr guy. BUt the guy left behind clues leading to the a picture that Divince made of the last supper. Which might prove that the holly grail was not a cup but Mary Magaden You know whos wife.
But I say how would they know for it happend thousands of years ago for all we know it could all be true! So I say that the books are not to be bannend!!!!!

Lastday of a seventh grade notin......

Okay so it is the last day of the sevnth grade for us and well just wanted to say it is summer and we may not be posting for at least a weak for the first time where all going on an actual Vacation! Solike go us!

But we can't tell you where but here are a few guesses......... There are turtles lizard that shoot water out of there noses......note a lot of fresh water.........somerwhere by south America so like happy guessing!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Random Time!

Okay I was bored so I got this Enjoy it always makes me laugh!

*insert puppy dog eyes here*

Kiki *sniff sniff*  Please tell us some of you're hacking genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Pretty please!! and oh ya this Black Rider sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo PLEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day and what not.......

Tayuan here!  Just want to say that HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Also here is a few hints on to trail a person UN seen!

Trailing 101
  1. Okay find you're guy girl whatev make sure you know what the person looks like and look at the way the person walks how tall he is where he lives etc
  2. Dress in simple comfy clothes so leave those heels and Minny skirt home!(UN-less you are going clubbing!)  I always find that jeans and sneakers work best for the streets of NYC.
  3. Locate the subject and get at least ten to twenty feet away or so that the person is still clearly visible in front of you, but not right on top of him!
  4. Carefully trail subject through the park and city etc with a careful eye on him. But don't what ever stare directly at him!  People have a way to tell that you are trailing them using a sixth sense that every one has!
  5. If the person knows you are following him then he may try to lose you.  The most easily is the crowd.  This is why needed a good look at the person.  It will be easy to eliminate people who are to tall short walk with a limp is wearing a dress to old etc.
  6. If you lose the subject then do a 360 search to find him, peer into stores you would normally wont find the person, check the street on the other side of the road.  Or call for back up to search the city for subject.
  7. You should practice this in the school hallways there always packed!
  8. If you lose subject in park then look up at the trees or study the joggers and stone walls etc any hiding place must be check in a way that nobody will notice!
  9. I also find that a disguise would help a lot!
Well that's it for me! PEACE! :p

and here is a code! try to DE code this! ˙´¬¬Ã¸    Ã§Ã¸˜©®Ã¥†´ÃŸ   ˆƒ   ¥Ã¸¨   ƒø¨˜∂   †˙ˆß   çø∂´   Ã¥˜∂   ∂´Ã§Ã¸∂´∂   ˆ†¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ 

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Black Rider

Dumb me!  I got the web address wrong so here is the hopefully right one if not then I'm sorry I can't get!  so I hope this works but more later.  'Cu's I just got back from school.....and I got the best grade I ever got in Spanish 92! and is also on my final! 

And in other knews........We have a parisite blog from a mysterious blogger!

Okay we found something out last night that we have been a host to a parisite blog! But it is good! Some how This Black Rider chick has hacked on! (THIS IS NOT MY DOING!) But we also got a letter from New Jersey from BR saying that she sorry and will delete the blog but of course we let her stay! She can be helpful and the fact that she is fighting for the enviroment! So I think the site is called, I'm not so sure that the site or link or web adress will work but someone other then us has been on the site! And in other knews A.C.Eberle will be here in a few days so leave you're question on the comment board!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back and dangoures!

Okay kiki here and I want to say that we are feeling a lot better and that Lola was right!  It was Topaz's knew sent not the sewer!  But any way we will have our last adventure posted!  it deals with Poodles the NYC grates and a funny grudge!  But more for right know I have to study for spanish file!  Yuck!  But any way... I see Loloa tried to entertain you! But yet I don't really think that code would help you just know so what for it!  I have some info comming right up, but that will be in another post because tayuan is on the other side of the city!  Unless you want me to ramble on my last encounter with the police in London!  Who knew that they could get that mad at you for accicidently hacking into a secret file!  Opps!!  You know it's a pretty funny storie!

On my last trip to London to visit Em our trusty ZG in Europe!  So Luz E-mailed me saying can you hack into this.....  Me being who I am couldn't resist! So in the garden that is actualy the litle area that often leads up the basement.....Any way I just finished the files that I will not reveal, but will say that they where concerning something for another time.  About a half an hour a whole army showed up at the front door demanding on who broke into the files!  Luckily the rents where out so it was just Em and I.  Of course I got the blame they brought me in and they where shown my files.(Which I must say was really impressing for some one my age)  They looked realy suprised and well they called the American Embassy, they said that I hacked into many other files and that I was well know with the NYPD!
So I spent the night in the hold!  But thankfully Em found me, cried wolf, hogg tied the police or the Bobby what ever you call them!  She handed me my lock pick and I got myself out!  But before I left I took the files and gave up Tayuan who comes a very very rich family in China who sorted the whole thing out.  
Not so interresting though I'm sorry but thats all I have till later see yah!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A.C.Eberle is comming

Lola here! (Everyone is still sick, ugh)  I have big and  news!!!!  A.C.Eberle is coming for an interview with us!  In case you don't know she doesn't get out much, she spends all of her time reading writing spying and thats basicly all we know!  but if you have any questions for her please leave a question in the comment board.  we meaning I (for everyones brain is still a pile of mush) haven't a fixed date but stay tuned!   Check SpellingCheck SpellingCheck SpellingCheck Spelling  Stupid spell check!!!!!!!  Sorry for errors the speller thing is on the frits!!!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

everyone is sick but me!

Lola here!  I'm sorry to say that there won't be some tips unless you want to learn how to dismantle bomb!  Any way everyone but me is sick. (it was a litle obvois beacuase Tayuan kept getting her name wrong in comments, lets see she called hereself Luz and kiki!  Haha!) They saw that they crawleld through a sewer!  but i think it had something to do with Paz's knew perfume thingy!  Any way maybe we will have every thing up and running in a few days time! so let me see here what can I saw for a good tip........ hmmm so many things are top secret!  Ahh some morres code!  A .-  B -...  C-.-.  D-..  E.  F..-.  G- -.   H....  I..  J. - - -   K-.-  L.-.. M--  N -.   O---   P.--. Q--.-  R.-.  S...  T-  U  ..-  V...-  W.--   X-..-   Y-.--  Z--..  Try to de code this since you can't here it I'll write it!     ..'--  .-../---/-./.-.././-..-!!!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Survival 1

Kiki here and here are a few tips on survival

Island survival
  1. Stay close to the beach and water but not to far away!
  2. Find wood and begin to build a shelter.  Dig stick into the ground and do the same thing a few feet a away keep doing this till you a have a box shape in the sand.  
  3. For the roof set down 4 sticks the same length as the other sticks width.  tie them all together in the box shape, make sure that it will fit on the top of the sticks in step 2.  Then get more and criss cross them and tie them down.
  4. Attach the roof to the poles  try to make the structure around an inch or two taller then you.
  5. then layer with pond fronds straw and grass. and viola!
Water @ Food;
  1. Even if you're island doesn't have fresh water then you wont die from thirst
  2. Get a coconut or three or five and find a sharp rock or coral in the ground or sand that won't move and start hitting coconut on rock or coral till splits open.
  3. before you do that shake the coconut if you hear a slushing sound then it is ripe, you can drink the milk and eat the meat.
  4. When you finish the the meat and juice from coconut, use the shells to collect the water from sea or river or rain and place over fire.
  5. To make a fire ether do the old trick by rubbing two sticks together, or use match, lighter, or flint, or use a mirror to reflect the suns raise.
  6. Boil the water in the coconut bowls about three or two times depending on water type. (If sea water test water every after every boil till fresh.  If from stagnant stream, well you're better of with salt water.  if it is from a fresh water stream that is moving fast clear and cold then bingo!  you can also collect rain water)
  7. If you don't have then rain water is the best, or use a very fast clear cold moving stream that isn't salty.
  8. if you have a clear or at least a Little clear plastic poncho, then you can make a still by cutting the plastic into squares as many that you can make that are around 1 foot on all sides.  or can fit coconut under.
  9. Then stick a stick, about seven inches, into sand and put the plastic over the stick to make a tent.  NOTE! MAKE SURE IT IS IN SUNNY HOT AREA!!!!! place the coconut filled with water under the tarp.
  10. Then place empty shells at each Connor.  You are done!  The still works using evaporation!  Leaving the salt and silt in the bottom and the water in the other cups!  You should make more then one if it should sustain you!
  11. For food you're best bet is fruit!  Sure you can eat fish but is best to keep a guide of plants and animals with you at all times!

  1. The easiest one is if you have fire then make three huge bond fires in the shape of a triangle.
  2. If you don't have fire then get rocks sticks what ever can be seen.  Right a HUGE!!!!!  SOS on the ground.
  3. For a flare get two sticks each one at least three feet, one should be able to bend with easily.  Get some plant fibers or a thin sturdy vine, braid the fibers into a rope.
  4. On the longer stick tie it a both ends they should be taught So you have a bow!
  5. Then with the other stick which should be as straight as possible!  At one end make a point, then on the other end a SMALL grove so it stays the bow string.  Note you should make a few more.
  6. Ripe a strip of fabric from shirt sail or pants, and rap it around the point of arrow.  When needed Light the fabric, with the grove on the middle of the string aim up and out and let it go!
  7. A boat should be you're last resort!  If you do use the boat then stock up on water and food!  It should be fifty five Percent of the boat! MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SHADE!  Use mud or Oil from coconut as suntan lotion.  Bring you're stills with you!  And you should only male up fifteen percent on the boat!  MAKE SURE IT IS WATER PROOF!!!!!!!!
  8. And Have flares (see above)  Or a shinny object to reflect the sun to signal.  And even before you got ship recked on the Island keep a compass with you to see which way you went!
There will be more to come but here where a few things you needed to know!  There will be more soon!  And when signaling use Morris code ...---...  Or SOS to signal!


I finaley got a movie here!


OMG!!! Topaz topaz are dead!

Topaz!  You posted a fake picture of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Thanks Luz and IM)  I told you not to hack onto my files when I'm not there!  That doesn't look like me at all!  May may be that good but she's not that good!  sorry for the mix up!  I'll post a knew picture later!

Kiki Lang

Sorry for the wate! time for spy tips

Okay Luz here and i think it's time to do a Little spying tips!  Okay here is some thing very simple!  Forging!  What you will need is a pen pencil fabric pattern tracers a sample of peoples signatures the document of course!  Okay this is very simple.  Put the document on the table or flat surface.  Next put the tracer dust side down and the sample on top.  Carefully trace the name, pick the sample and the tracer up.  You should have a fake signature written in the tracer dust, then go over it with a pen and wait for the ink to be dry and wipe the dust of.  Viola!

Next if you are being followed follow this;
1. try to identify the person, if it is a stalker from you're school confront him.  if it is some dude you never saw in you're life.  Then look for signs of a weapon or bugs.
2. if you find a tracker on you then dispose of it in a garbage or put it somewhere besides you!
3.  then find a big crowd!  I find that the if you go to some place where there is a lot of shopping or a place with a lot of schools getting out.  Blend in try to talk to people.  Then when you get the chance then find something any thing that you can hide in.  I find a store works the best.
4. Then when the man/woman passes you sneak behind and double track.  When it losses you then he checks the bug only to find it on another person in the dump or sewer. 
5.  If it is a park scan ahead if it is like central park or Hyde park then there will be stone ciffs to climb and trees even a small wood!  lead the person in circles.
6. when you reach you`'re hiding place to be look at a watch or phone and turn the other way! head for a group of joggers and hide you're self then carefully use the cover of bushes or trees as cover as you sneak of the path.  
7. head to you're hiding place and climb up and call for back up at any of these situations and use a secret code and label a contact in a code in case of some thing!
8. when it is clear run as fast as you can!  But if you are find then these hints bellow will help you!

Escape like a master!
all ways cary a bag with a few things in it. Like a rock a Little pepper spray of vinegar in a perfume bottle, (Spray any thing that will hurt in there eyes!)  Take rock if you are in a tree building roof etc and through it on the persons head!  Caring a few rocks just in case.
If the person grabs you from behind slam you're head back at there face, or if that doesn't work; Step on foot or bite them hard!  If the confront them do the ever so wonderful groin kick and when they are down hit them in their temple or head! (if it is woman) Kick shin and then punch stomach.  When you use them run as fast as you can and call back up pronto!
Luz Lopez *insert evil laugh here!*

Thursday, May 29, 2008

To fish or not to fish that is the question

Ever wonder what they do to the old subway cars?  Well here is the surprising truth.  Off the coast of Delaware there lies a grave yard of out of commission subway cars!  NYC has in fact been dumping Red Birds. (A type of Subway Cars) But wait the dumping is helping the environment!  How?  Well the cars have actually created a natural/man made reef, creating a lush oasis for many north American fish and sea weed!  But for every happy story over fishing is becoming a huge problem!  many people like the Zodiac Girls think this is a very bad Idea for the problems of over fishing!  So know the state is looking to forbidden commercial fishermen from fishing there, only regular fishers will be allowed.  Also very strangely people are stealing fishing Traps! (Is this the work of some cult to stop fishing or some kind of monster?  Where looking into the case.) But any way we are also to the point that everyone wants to do it!  So much that the cars are getting harder and harder to get!  For know NJ and many more are trying to do the same!  Know the fish city is becoming more and more crowded and I myself and many more are worried if the fish will leave or that the littering of ocean floor will increase!  for know the curios people we are, are trying and experimenting with toaster fridges washing machines etc to see if the fish will like it.  I say that they should just leave Red Bird Reef alone!  Don't build more!  Banned fishing!  This can only help us or destroy us!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Hey look!!!!!!!!  It's me kiki!  Okay this is me after May got hold of me!  I didn't look this good!!!!!!!  But any way I'm still trying to get video!   So sorry about the wait, and I'm still getting used to every thing so stick with me!

Cool Christiphore Saves the Day 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THE GREATEST HOME MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  COOL CHRISTOPHERE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I MEAN 3!!!!!!  But still the producer Em is one of A.C.Ebele's friends and the star is Em's litle brother!!!  It's awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


WOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!  May and Em nearly killed me when I forgot to introduce them!  So may is our master of disguise, Em is one of my BFF and is our London agent


Welcome To the first ever Zodiac Girls OFFICIAL BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!  What are we exactly?  Well we are a mixture of Irregular Bond Rider etc.  If you don't know then there all spies.  But in case you are wondering we are more of a 2.0 to all of those problems!  Who else lives in NYC fights member of the mob Mafia, travels all over the world, awesome gadgets, solve mysteries, still keeping up with school, can speak three languages, black belt, super smart.  Lastly in my opinion can still look good even though people try to kill us!  Well any way my friends the Zodiac Girls are going to show the tips of the triad, we are; Luz Lopez (Leader, not her real name, long storey) Tayuan Wong (EVIL GENIUS!!!!!!!!!)  Lola Shaw (Technology inventor, my BFF!)  Topaz Raine (Chemist, biggest spaz ever!!!, But hey she's our spaz!)  and you res truly Kiki Lang! (Hacker, Kiki is my middle name!  Hey any thing is better then Capricorn!)  Also thanks A.C.Eberle for helping us get heard!  

P.S  Sorry for spelling!!!  for a evil genius you think I would be good at spelling!!