Thursday, June 19, 2008

Should the Divinces Code be banned?

Hello Kiki here and as you may know I love to read so when I heard that the Preguel to the book Divinces code may be bannend. Well lets just say that I freaked out a litle! Why you may ask....well the book as people think is not true to the bible. Well I never went against the bible do they know every thing that happend in the book may be true!
What is the book about you may ask well it is about a dude that gets murderd and it blamend on anothr guy. BUt the guy left behind clues leading to the a picture that Divince made of the last supper. Which might prove that the holly grail was not a cup but Mary Magaden You know whos wife.
But I say how would they know for it happend thousands of years ago for all we know it could all be true! So I say that the books are not to be bannend!!!!!


Random Irregular said...

Books are books. If some dude is so worried about it not being true, then duh, don't read it. WHy stop others from enjoying the pleasure of reading? Also, if you know your faith and strongly believe in it, then why should other views change your beliefs? That just means you're weak.

Anonymous said...

WELL DONE!!!!! (To lazy to log in)

Anonymous said...

Random Irregular, you are smart as compared to others.

Kiki Lang: if you happen to read so much, should you not have better spelling and grammar skills?

Zodiac girls said...

I'm sorry nobody can be as 'perfect' as you! And I said this many times I'M THE WORST SPELLER IN THE WORLD!

Anonymous said...

Do you not read? At all? It's okay, I realized a while ago that I'm perfect. While others are not.

Anonymous said...

nobody is perfect.............