Wednesday, July 2, 2008


A.C.E here and I must say that I'm deeply disaponted that one or two or what ever has been posting some rude stuff!  it has gotten to a point where Kiki and my self had to stop posting on a blog..... I know it is fine to state opions but if it is rude or hurt full then don't say it!  I would realy hate to stop this blog to..... And the same goes for Black Riders blog, who is I'm suprised with her thought to the blog (Trust me she loves that blog!) that she didn't track the person down and hog time it down. (sorry to say it but we don't know if this person is male or female or even human!)



Random Irregular said...

Yo, why don't you put up Comment Moderation? Then this very mean bully can stop. Grrrrr:[
Don't worry, this person's just jealous of both of your blogs(ZG's and BR's).

Zodiac girls said...

Yes I know I'm doing just that!

Anonymous said...

'It', I feel so depressed about that! (Just joking. That was funny ' We don't know if it is even a human')

I don't think the comment moderation is working yet, try again.

Did you guys seriously get that mad. ('That' in italics.)

Zodiac girls said...

Yup we did, and sorry for calling you an it..... why do you think the comment moderation isn't working? You're comment wasn't bad at least in our standards.... :) Kiki

Anonymous said...

That's not how comment moderation works.When someone leaves a comment, it will automatically be saved. So when you log in, go to 'Posting', then to 'Comment Moderation'. All of the comments will be there, and you can decide which comments to publish and which not too.