Friday, July 25, 2008

To complete the random of this week

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
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I really should put this on the side bar...

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
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This one is sooooooo Tayaun Trust me when she doesn't have coffee in her she is your normal Zg

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
If you ever saw the goonies........

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
I'm addicted to star track so yah........

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
Really just say NO!!!!

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
Black Rider this one is for you!

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
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all except when I'm writing :)

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
It does seem that way doesn't it?

<span class=OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets">
Created by OnePlusYou
really NO WAY! tehee*

So sorry for not having any good like posts.  It's been well slow here.  Maybe tomorrow

Monday, July 21, 2008

One random thing

Okay this just proves it...... We are all clinically insane

85%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


topaz here and like I love to make things explode!  So I'm going to share my genius!!!!  MUWHAHAHAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAHAHAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       So I'm gonna tell you how to make a Torpedo, (NOTE THIS WILL ONLY WORK IN A LARGE BODY OF WATER!!!!!) 

What you need water proof duct tape scissors Three large scuba tanks a wrench.

  1. Stake the scuba tanks in a pyramid
  2. Tape
  3. aim at target, make shure that the bomb is on a good hard surface about a foot from
water and is leading directly into the water.

4.  Use the wrench to puncture (What I mean is kill the valve so it falls of)  the realising air will shoot it forward.  Never use this for fun it can and will be dagourus!

Friday, July 11, 2008

How to;

Jump from a car;

             Open the door and fling you're self out of the car in the opisite direction.  Keep you're legs straight arms crossed and when you hit the road then or ground roll!  Easy!
to survive a train crash when in the bathroom;
     Sit on the floor with your back to the engine, bend your knees, and clasp your hands behind your neck.
determine when to bribe a third world policeman;
     an officer does not cuff you or write you a ticket, but expresses a desire to resolve the problem on the spot.
win a sword fight
      make a steady, quick blows up and down and left and right with the sword
eat tree bark
      the light colored layer of the of the inner bark can be eaten raw or cooked.
eat a lizard
       skin the lizard and remove the guts, cook the meat, and eat it when the surface bubbles cracks.

Thank you my peeps!  There will be more posts like this in a while.  And the lizard I wouldn't make it for it is wretched!  :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


A.C.E here and I must say that I'm deeply disaponted that one or two or what ever has been posting some rude stuff!  it has gotten to a point where Kiki and my self had to stop posting on a blog..... I know it is fine to state opions but if it is rude or hurt full then don't say it!  I would realy hate to stop this blog to..... And the same goes for Black Riders blog, who is I'm suprised with her thought to the blog (Trust me she loves that blog!) that she didn't track the person down and hog time it down. (sorry to say it but we don't know if this person is male or female or even human!)


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

you asked for it!

Well you asked for it!  We have A.C.E (Due to security reasons we will use her initials)  Here and she is answering you're questions!  So I'll give her the key board to Begin!

Hey guys! A.C.E here!  So here are the questions that you asked! 

Where do ya live?
     I live in north north America in new jersey

Have you ever snuck out in the middle of the night?
     It is very dark here where I live and we have police cruisers that patrol so not right now

it says you're writing down ZG's stories into a book or something........ Are you gonna try to get them published?  If so when?
     Yes I'm writing down there adventures.  And yes I'm trying to get them published, but those are not going to be My main consent yet at least..... So i do not when They are getting published.  So if any one news any publishers then tell me?

Random Irregular:
Have you ever ridden you're bike outside in two in the morning, only to find that you're being Followed?  What did you do?
     See above;  but I have been followed before and I used the turn take cellphone FAKE call and double track and hide, easy.

have you ever forged a signature?
     Yes my friends just to see If I could do it

Where do you live?
   See above
What is your Fave book?
   Let's see hear I'ved narrowed it down to.... Eragon, Wildwood dancing and of coures Kiki Strike!
When did you meet ZG?
     I met them on a trip to NYC
That's all thanks:)

I like pie!  Do u?  I shore hope so!
    Okay........ Yes like pie!

Okay do you play an instrument?
   Yes Guitar and Violin

A.C.Eberle do you like Cheese?

Sniffer doodle:
Sweet!  So like if you where to reveal something what would it be?
    I'm a very en centric person (i don't think that's a word)

What is the strangest combination of food you eat together?
        Again with the food!  Well I like to eat Sweet potatoes with BBQ Pulled Pork

Thanks for your comments! And questions guys! Hope to see you in the future! 

you asked for it!